Our Story
14 Years of Snacks
In 2002 Wendy went in for a simple dermatological surgery. Unfortunately, during her surgery a medical emergency ensued, a cause unknown, but resulting in the traumatic loss of 42 years of her memory.
Wendy was at a crossroads and needed to reinvent a path of work. Matt invited friends over who had created a profitable business model and were having "fun" selling their freshly roasted flavored almonds in festivals up and down the coast of California and traveling to different states.
Wendy has always enjoyed baking and cooking, so with measuring cups and spoons in hand came up with M&W's first snack, our Granola.
In 2006 M&W opened their doors for business and started with local Music/Art & Craft Festivals, Boutiques, Wine Tastings, Non Profit Charity events, Car shows, Beach parties, and Church Fundraisers. It wasn’t long before Wendy was approached by a Farmers Market manager asking her to participate in their markets. Team Thrush started with three Farmers Markets 2006, continuing to expand each year.
We are excited to have our healthy 1.5 ounce snack bags/snacks available on Production/T.V. sets for their craft service tables.
Wendy soon realized that her creative side could escape and create snacks that customers really enjoyed.
M & W continues to grow, adding to our array of flavored roasted almonds, Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate Caramel Sea salt, and our seasonal Cocoa Marshmallow, Pumpkin Pie, Egg Nog, and Candy Cane almonds.
Our almonds are complimented by a selection of Chips (Apple, Veggie, Green Bean, Beet)
Pango, our only dehydrated snack "Pineapple and Mango Puree"...
M & W a DREAM of Wendy’s “A HEALTHY Snack Alternative.”
Our menu continues to change, as we continue to grow and enjoy creating new snacks in the kitchen.